![about image](/assets/images/brooks/brooks_cbse.jpg)
Bhashyam aims to develop inquisitive minds, critical thinkers and self-directed learners by laying a proper foundation and honing the students’ power of reasoning and analytical skills.
- Bhashyam believes in providing a broad and balanced CBSE program characterised by a range of meaningful learning experiences in and beyond the classroom.
- The atmosphere in the school stimulates confidence, integrity, critical thought, and harnessing of prolific energies.
- The school has evolved with futuristic foundation programs and co-curricular activities aimed to develop independence, responsibility and encourage the students towards academic excellence.
- Periodic parent-teacher meetings are conducted to help parents understand the curriculum and teaching methodology adopted by the school.
- The scientifically designed Primary School Program provides many experiences of varying ability levels in each of the developmental areas of the child.
- The specially trained teachers aim to encourage creative thinking, decision making and problem solving, while building on existing theories of the world.
- Field trips for students are arranged regularly to connect the simulated classroom learning to real-world lessons through educational tours and picnics.
- Real world experiences teach the students to face realistic challenges, tackle real life situations and then correlate them with text book learning.